Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Learning PHP - Assignment, Comparison and If

Assignment Operator

In PHP, " = " does not mean equal. It assigns the value from the right of the expression to the left operand.

example: $a = 1000  $a gets set to 1000 ( the value of "$a = 1000" is 1000 )

Comparison Operator

If you want to use equal, this is the operator: = =

example: $a = = $b  ( TRUE if $a is equal to $b )

If Statement

Syntax:  if ( expression or condition )

If  condition is TRUE, statement will be executed. If condition is FALSE, statement will be ignored.

             //This will print the value of $a on the screen if $a is equal to $b.

              if ( $a = = $b );
              print $a ;


              Sample Program:


Learning PHP - Arithmetic Operators

Learning PHP - Constants


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