Should you work while in college? In my case, I did! I worked while in college. But there are many things to consider. There are advantages and disadvantages. At that time, we are financially poor. My parents have to work day and night to support our education. Sometimes my brother and I don't have "baon" (allowance). So, I decided to find a part-time job to help finance my college education and also to experience the "real world".
Things to consider:
1. There will be sacrifices.
2. Are you fit to work?
3. Can you manage time or duties or responsiblities ?
4. Will your parents allow you to work?
1. Income
2. Experience
3. Learn new things
4. Meet new friends
5. Positive feeling of independence
6. Builds confidence
1. Will affect your performance at school
2. Less or no time for play
3. Less or no time for friends, boyfriend or girlfriend
3. Tendency to discontinue education
Here is my advice in case you want it: Find a job because you need it to finish college, not for other reasons like using the money for partying. You will find a way to work and study well if your reason is good. Good luck!